Monday, November 23, 2009

how do you feel?

When I'm in marichyasana II, I feel very stretched out. I feel relaxed and calm as well. It is a bit sore on my hip, but other than that I feel very in the moment and pure.


benefits and effects

- Helps to calm brain
- Stretches shoulders and spine
- Stimulates abdominal organs (liver and kidneys)
- Can improve digestions, flatulence, constipation

Elements of Marichyasana II (full posture)

1. take right leg into half lotus high up onto left thigh keeping left leg in tadasana
2. bend left knee up to sky and shift weight forward
3. let right knee down on floor and inhale to lift spine and fold forward
4. take left hand and wrap it around left leg and bind left and right arm around to interlace the hands
5. spiral shoulders and opening the heart's center pushing weight forward and left foot into earth
6. hold position
7. lift up and come out of posture

name and english translation

Name: Marichyasana II
English Translation: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi II

Pictures (professional & me)